By Kingsley Baehr

Citizens, awake! O, can’t you sense the danger?
Christ, the Son, left heaven’s heights for Bethlehem’s crude manger!
Came to earth, a volunteer for military duty,
Charged to liberate the men who saw in Him no beauty.
Heav’nly hosts announced His birth to shepherds—not to princes!
Humble people round the earth are those whom He convinces.
Herod, Pilate, Caesar, Priest, and unrepentant sinner
Have yet to see Him as He is, the World-wide, Sin-war Winner.
Refused by His human creations (He permits our choices),
Rejoicing in His awesomeness, His angels raise their voices.
Reflect on this, O citizens of this God-prospered nation,
Remain on course rejecting Him? We stay on His probation!
Instead of cute and cuddly child, we need to see Another—
In essence, infinite in might— not infant with his mother.
It is to Him we give account. [He fills you with revulsion?]
If I were you I’d really hate to face His just expulsion.
So, citizens, to us a timely wake-up call is granted.
September’s terrorist attack uncertainty has planted.
Serenity has quickly fled. (Results of bad behavior?)
Security forever can be found in Christ the Savior.
Turn to Him now, this Christ of Christmas, Who is The Redeemer,
To Him Who on the cross endured the taunts of the blasphemer.
Turn to Him now, while Christ awaits the time of your submission.
Then joyfully receive from your Commander your commission.
“Christ” is a name which means “Anointed One.” In Bible times, Prophets, Priests, and Kings were anointed when inducted into service.
Have you anointed Christ as your King to Whom you will give full allegiance?
Have you anointed Christ as your High Priest through Whom you have access to the presence of God the Father?
Have you anointed Christ as your Prophet through Whom God’s truth is communicated to you?