February is the Big Birthday Month in the Baehr/Hendry families.
My mother-in-law’s, an uncle’s, and a cousin’s are all on the 1st.
My mother’s is on the 2nd. My own is on the 5th.
Two cousins’ and a niece’s are all on the 10th.
Abraham Lincoln’s is on the 12th. One cousin’s is on the 15th.
A grandmother’s was on the 17th. A grandaunt’s was on the 18th.
George Washington’s is on the 22nd.
Charles Lindbergh’s is somewhere in there.
In fact, all great people are born in February! [Spoken like a true Februarian!]
Do you know your birth date?
Of course you do! Almost everybody does! It is an important date in our lives.
It began our physical lives lived separately from our mothers’ wombs.
But do you know your spiritual birth date?
Do you even have one?
Have you been born again?
Was there ever a time when you received a new eternal life,
because you invited the Spirit of God to come to live in you
through faith in the work of the Lord Jesus Christ,
when he died in your place, and rose triumphant over death
so that He could offer you eternal life?
Which birthday is more important?
The one that imparts physical life ending in death?
Or the one that gives spiritual life which never ends?
If you have never had a spiritual birthday, today [in February no less!] would be an excellent day to be born again. (2 Corinthians 6:2) How?
CONFESS that you are a sinner whose sins have offended the holy God Who
created you, and that you deserve nothing less than death.
(Romans 3:23)
ADMIT that you are helpless to earn your own eternal life because your sins
have separated you from the God Who alone gives life. (Isaiah 59:2)
RECEIVE as a gift from God eternal life, which the Lord Jesus Christ paid
for and bought with His bloody death in your place as your
Substitute. (Romans 6:23)